Maximize Revenue Using Statement Stuffers

At its most basic level, the aim of any business is simple – to make money. There are many different strategies that a business can employ to increase its revenue and maximize the profit. A effective strategy for increasing a business’ revenue is the use of what is known as a statement stuffer.

It doesn’t matter what sort of business you are running. Have you ever sent something to your clients for example, parcels containing invoices for services rendered? If you do, then you have the opportunity to increase your revenue by using statement stuffers. Businesses all around the world, from banks to online shopping sites all employ the use of statement stuffers.  Any business that has not started using statement stuffers is missing out on a valuable opportunity to improve their profits. You can re-target existing clients and increase your business’ revenue without having to pay additional postage costs.

What are statement stuffers

Statement stuffers typically are inserts that are included in the envelope when a business sends a customer an invoice. Nobody enjoys receiving bills, but including such stuffers with them might soften the blow a little for the recipient. They may also take the form of additional marketing material included in a shipping box to a customer. Marketing using this method is effective to the customer that is has already purchased from you. The customer has already shown their interest in your service and may be inclined to purchase the one your offering. Seeing an available offer included with their invoice may be just what they need for them to buy it.  Instant profit for your company!

Another benefit of marketing using statement stuffers is that they are less likely to be ignored or immediately thrown away. Most of the time they accompany something that the recipient considers important. Statement stuffers may also take the form of coupons for a customer’s next purchase. Create a “special offer” for the businesses other products that have a higher profit margin, or discontinued item. Whatever the form of your bill stuffer, the most important thing is that you keep your company’s name in the forefront of people’s minds. Returning customers and recurring clients are what keep a business ticking. So if you can re-target your existing customers with every purchase they make, why not? Maximize the value of that postage stamp and get your additional marketing material in that envelope or parcel!

Large volumes of statement stuffers

On a more practical level, any business that uses them will find them with the need to print a large volume of stuffers. Therefore, many businesses often find themselves in the market for statement stuffer printing services. There are a number of things that a business should remember when they’re on the hunt for the appropriate printing partner:

Steps to take before Printing

Firstly, you will be printing a lot of stuffers, and as increasing your profits is foremost on your mind, you should be sure to find a printer who will print for you at a reasonable price. Think about using a service that has offset printing available.

Secondly, you will have to think about what sort of conditions your statement stuffers will have to endure. Mail can sometimes get wet if it sits in a mailbox for too long in inclement weather. If this is something that you think may happen to your mailer, consider getting your project printed with a glossy coating. On the other hand, stuffers inside parcels are better protected from the elements and therefore can be printed on lighter paper.

Finally but certainly not least, consider what your statement stuffer will look like. Although they cost very little, they should be considered just as valuable as any other piece of marketing that your business puts out. They should be eye-catching without being obnoxious and always be compelling. To paraphrase The Godfather, make them an offer that they can’t refuse. Remember that the people seeing the printed marketing piece are your existing customers and therefore already have some degree of buy-in to your product. While this will not form a first impression of your business, you want them to know they have made the right choice in purchasing from you.

Anything that solidifies your existing customer base while simultaneously encouraging them to spread the good word of mouth is invaluable. By getting your customers to talk about the products that you’re offering, your business is benefiting from free advertising.

Statement stuffer services

No matter which of the printing services you choose, be sure that they offer you the right balance of value and quality. It is no use having very cheap statement stuffers that look terrible. At the same time, it not useful to have fancy, eye-catching marketing if the cost is eating into your profits. Businesses which are using this method to re-target clients and try experimenting until they find the right balance.

Ultimately, it is one thing to grow your business with new customers, but it’s a whole different ball game keeping them coming back. Using statement stuffers effectively to your existing clients is an easy and cheap method of maximizing your business’ revenue. Remember that every delivery that your business makes to a customer that does not include one of these is a missed opportunity to make another sale.

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